dagomatic photography Portfolios
#IWD #2024 #portraitphotographer #portrait #woman
Fashion Week is a lot of things and it is not a lot of things. For a photographer fashion week is not having to worry about catching someone in a bad pose or making them bad. A fleeting world inside of the real world.
The Art Deco smells of the old escalator made for a great moment with these ladies...
The time I photographed an elf at an event.
Event photography can get you into many spectacular spaces, this is the latest one.
Members of N'Sync and other 90's Boy Bands performing at the Garden State Plaza. I did recognize a couple of the songs...


Another week long conference in NYC. The NFT world is an amazing cast of characters!
Event photography takes many forms and the best version of that, imho, is finding the unseen moments and capturing them without sharing them, until after...
A big shout out to chef José Andrés, he has done more for humanity with his humanity than many a politicians talking point. This guy was so easy works with and so clear in his message. "We need to help each other". You can help him by ordering his new book: https://joseandres.com/the-zaytinya-cookbook/
A portrait I took many years ago of a really unique woman, with an amazing look.
We can make your event even more memorable than it was!
A great event that helps young adults get into higher education.

To Honor All Of The International Women On This Day Of 2024...

3/8/2024 6:34:35 PM

#IWD #2024 #portraitphotographer #portrait #woman